A Tale of Two Kitchens
Friday, October 11, 6:30 p.m.
Children’s Museum Lawn, 200 S. 6th Ave.
At Gabriela Cámara’s acclaimed Contramar in Mexico City, the welcoming, uniformed waiters are as beloved by diners as the menu featuring fresh, local seafood. Meanwhile at Cala in San Francisco, Cámara hires staff from different backgrounds and cultures, including ex-felons and ex-addicts who view the work as an important opportunity to grow as individuals.
Director: Trisha Ziff
Writers: Trisha Ziff, SheerlyAvni, Jeff Plunkett
Producers: Daniela Alatorre, Elena Fortes
TRT: 30 Minutes
This film screens as part of the FREE Outdoor Friday evening food film program along with Ramen Shop and Cuban Food Stories.
FREE screening presented in partnership with: